(A) γCaMKII translocated to the nucleus following 40K for 1 min in excitatory neurons (prevented by nimodipine or CsA), but not PV+ cells.
(B) Images of pCREB staining (red, right panel) in excitatory (top) and PV+ cells (bottom), some transfected with γCaMKII shRNA (green). Transfected excitatory neurons had reduced pCREB compared to control, but transfected PV+ neurons were unaffected. Yellow circles, ROIs used to calculate nuclear pixel intensity. Scale bar, 20 μm.
(C) γCaMKII shRNA knockdown reduced pCREB in excitatory neurons (blue, left y-axis) but not in PV+ cells (red, right y-axis).
(D) 40K did not induce a redistribution of α, β, or δCaMKII within PV+ cells.