Characteristic profiles of extracellularly recorded neuronal population activity and examples of perturbations of inspiratory motor output activity and blood pressure produced by pharmacological excitation of neurons within the pre-BötC or BötC regions in the adult rat in vivo. A, A typical example of pre-inspiratory/inspiratory (pre-I/I) population activity used for the identification of pre-BötC. B, An example of post-I and aug-E population activity (post-I/aug-E, simultaneously recorded in this example) used for the identification of BötC. In both A and B, the raw recording from the phrenic nerve (PN) and PN integrated activity (∫PN) are shown at the bottom. C, A 500 ms duration microinjection of L-Glu (Glutamate) in the pre-BötC produced an increase in the ∫PN burst frequency (see the trace for integrated PN activity, ∫PN), and a transient decrease in the ABP. The respiratory frequency (fR; bottom trace, green) increased primarily due to reduction in expiratory phase duration (TE trace, blue) at a relatively unchanged inspiratory duration (TI trace, red). D, A microinjection of L-Glu in the BötC caused a rapid suppression of PN activity (see traces for ∫PN and inspiratory, TI, and expiratory, TE, durations) accompanied by an increase of ABP. In Cand D, L-Glu (10 mm, 5 nl) was microinjected bilaterally during the brief (500 ms) pulse; the moments of injections are indicated by brown arrows. Traces for TI, TE, and fR, represent corresponding running time intervals of these parameters before, during, and recovery from L-Glu microinjection.