Figure 3.
Dynamic properties of optically evoked synaptic currents. A: Example traces of IPSCs (black) and EPSCs (red) evoked by 10 Hz trains of 2 ms light pulses. B: During 10 Hz trains both IPSCs and EPSCs depressed with repeated stimulation; the ratio of the EPSCs elicited by the 10th and 1st stimuli was 0.22, showing greater depression than IPSCs (mean 10th:1st: 0.54, n = 10). C: The ratio of the mean IPSC:EPSC amplitude progressively increased during 10 Hz stimulation. D: Example traces of optically evoked IPSCs at different light intensities (in mW, as indicated.) Left, SH mouse; Right, EE animal. E: IPSCs increase with light intensity in both EE (n = 5) and SH (n = 6; 2-way, RM ANOVA: Effect of light: F(11, 99) = 21.05, P < 0.001; effect of housing: F(1, 9) = 16.43, P = 0.032; interaction: F(11, 99) = 4.05, P < 0.001). F: Example traces of IPSCs evoked by 500 ms light pulses from an SH mouse (left) and an EE mouse (right). G: Time course of synaptic input over sustained illumination in EE and SH neurons. There was a significant effect of time but housing alone did not reach significance (2-way, RM ANOVA: effect of time interval, F(4, 84) = 6.48, P < 0.001; effect of housing, F(1, 21) = 2.25, P = 0.15; interaction, F(4, 84) = 5.13, P < 0.001).