Table 2. Early human embryos: published transcriptomic studies.
We compared DE genes in the hESC neural differentiation model with human embryo transcriptomic studies obtained from GEO or ArrayExpress repositories. Within each dataset, significantly DE genes (DEstudy) were defined using a cutoff of p ≤ 0.01 and absolute FC ≥ 1.5. The total number of DE genes and the percentage of DE genes vs. unique targets evaluated are shown for each study. Abbreviations: CNS (central nervous system), GD (gestational day), GW (gestational week).
ID | Study ID | Time | Samples (n) | CNS Development Stage | Platform | DEstudy genes (#, %) | Ref |
f | GSE18290 | <GW 1 | human embryo: 1-cell, 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell, morula, blastocyst (n=3/group, n=18 arrays) | Pre-CNS development | Affymetrix HG- U133_Plus_2 | 10103 (45%) | [22] |
g | GSE18887 | GW 3–4 | human embryo: (GD 20–32) (n=3/group, n=18 arrays) | Early neurogenesis | Affymetrix Human Genome U133A Array | 2012 (15%) | [21] |
h | GSE15744 | GW 4–9 | human embryo: (GW 4–9) (n=3/group, n=18 arrays) | Late organogenesis | Affymetrix HG- U133_Plus_2 | 2488 (11%) | [20] |