Figure 25.
(a) Image of experimental setup for NW FET/heart interface and recording. Arrows denote the positions of heart (red), Ag/AgCl reference electrode (yellow), and source/drain interconnect wires (blue), respectively. (b) Top: Magnified image of heart on the device. Bottom: Zoom-in view of the dotted region in upper image, showing three pairs of NWs with the orientation along the vertical red lines. (c) Parallel recordings made using a glass pipette (black) and NW FET (red). (d) Peak conductance amplitude (red) and calibrated peak voltage amplitude (blue) as a function of gate voltage. (e) Image of a complete chip on a flexible Kapton substrate, where the central dashed box denotes the position of NW FETs. (f) Measured signals at gate of −0.2 V. Reprinted with permission from Ref. 571. Copyright 2009 American Chemical Society.