Fig. 5.
Notch2 knockdown increases protein levels of PDI and/or IMPDH2 in MDA-MB-231 and SUM159 xenografts. a Immunoblotting for PDI, IMPDH2, and β-Actin proteins using lysates from MDA-MB-231 tumors of different groups. b Quantitation of proteins shown in panel a. Results shown are mean expression (arbitrary unit) with their 95% confidential intervals (error bars, n = 4 for Control sh-Veh; n = 3 for Control sh-WA; n = 5 for Notch2 sh-Veh; n = 5 for Notch2 sh-WA). Statistical significance of difference was analyzed by generalized linear mixed model, and the least square means were used for comparison. The P values were adjusted using Holm-Sidak methods. All P values were two-sided and a significance level was set at 0.05. c Immunoblotting for PDI, IMPDH2, and β-Actin proteins using lysates from Control sh and Notch2 sh SUM159 tumors. d Quantitation of proteins shown in panel c. Results shown are mean expression (arbitrary unit) with their 95% confidential intervals (error bars, n = 7 for both Control sh and Notch2 sh tumors). Statistical significance of differences was analyzed by unpaired Student t test. All P values were two-sided and a significance level was set at 0.05.