KDR Q472H determines sensitivity of melanoma to anti-VEGFR2 treatment. A) Proliferation of KDR Q472H melanoma cells is sensitive to VEGFR-2 inhibition. The percentage of proliferating cells (KDR WT vs KDR Q472H, 11-161,WM 1575, WM 3248 and 09-085, 09-241,10-230 respectively) is shown without or with treatment with a VEGFR-2 blocking antibody, and in the right panel representative data from flow cytometry analysis of proliferation is shown B) VEGFR-2 inhibition decreases invasion of KDR Q472H melanoma cells. The percentage of invading cells (KDR WT vs KDR Q472H, 11-161, WM 1575, WM 3248 and 09-085, 09-241, 10-230 respectively) is shown without or with treatment with a VEGFR-2 blocking antibody, and in the right panel representative data from flow cytometry analysis of proliferation is shown.