A: bioelectrics of tracheal epithelium for 2-mo-old (solid bars) and 2-yr-old (gray bars) male mice. The “basal” Isc is the steady-state short circuit prior to drug additions. Then drugs were added in the order shown and as described in the text. “Δw/Amil” is change in Isc in response to amiloride and the “Residual Isc” is the steady-state Isc remaining following amiloride addition. Forsk, forskolin. The basal Isc, residual Isc, and the response to UTP were significantly different (*P ≤ 0.05) between the 2 groups. The response to bumetanide is not shown as the responses were ∼0 for both groups of mice. Data are from n = 6 mice, both groups. B: bioelectrics of bronchial epithelium for 2-mo-old (solid bars) and 2-yr-old (gray bars) male mice. Drug additions were as indicated above. The residual Isc (**P ≤ 0.01), the response to UTP (*P ≤ 0.05), and the response to bumetanide (Bumet; **P ≤ 0.01) differed significantly between groups; n = 6 for the 3-mo-old mice and n = 5 for the 2-yr-old animals.