Fig. 1.
Effects of graded swimming on the metabolic rate (MO2) in fish receiving no exogenous glucose (control group; ●) and fish receiving exogenous glucose (○). A: MO2 as a function of swimming speed [in body lengths (BL)/s]. Values are expressed as means ± SE; n = 10 for controls and 12 for exogenous glucose. Within each treatment group, MO2 increased with speed [P < 0.001; two-way repeated-measures (RM) ANOVA on ranks]. MO2 was lower for exogenous glucose than for controls (P < 0.05; two-way RM-ANOVA on ranks). B: MO2 as a function of exercise intensity (expressed as %Ucrit). The thick line was fitted by a second-order polynomial regression (r2 = 0.289; P < 0.001): MO2 = 61.563-0.0544 (%Ucrit) + 0.00614 (%Ucrit)2. Dashed lines indicate confidence intervals (± 95%).