Angle- and polarization-dependent photoluminescence spectra of samples
with pitch 670, 830, and 1000 nm (intensity is multiplied 10 times
in (c) for regions beyond 1280 nm for clarity), respectively. Analytical
dependencies for corresponding Rayleigh anomalies at negative angles
are marked with white dotted lines. (d) Normalized (to E11 transition, top) and normalized differential (bottom) PL spectra
of pure SWNTs (black) and TE-polarized emission normal to the sample
surface with pitch 670, 830, and 1000 nm, TE and TM polarizations
at ±15° for pitch 670 nm. (e) Angle dependence of normalized
PL for TM-polarized emission for pitch 670 nm (at 1039 nm, green)
compared to TE-polarized light at peak positions 1054 (red), 1259
(blue), and 1521 nm (purple) corresponding to the three samples with
pitch 670, 830, and 1000 nm.