Table 1 . Interview protocol.a .
Questions |
To explore broad experience with nutrition and nutrition education: |
How would you describe your current role in nutrition education? |
How does this compare to the role you think you should play? |
Tell me how you feel about teaching students about nutrition as part of the school curriculum? |
Probes: Comfort, confidence, enjoyment, appropriateness |
How do you view the subject of nutrition compared to other subjects you teach (such as math, English, etc.)? |
How influential do you believe YOU, specifically, are in changing students' nutrition knowledge? |
Confidence? |
Behavior? |
Probe: In what ways? |
Tell me about anything you may do nutrition- or physical activity–related in your classroom outside of GHK?b |
What motivates you to provide this extra education?b |
To explore and generate more detail about specific experiences: |
Tell me about your experiences teaching the GHK curriculum. |
What is different about GHK compared to other nutrition curriculum or materials you may have used? |
Tell me about what went well with the GHK curriculum. |
Tell me about what barriers you faced in completing the GHK curriculum. |
Tell me about the influences you think GHK has had on students' nutrition knowledge. |
Behavior? |
Confidence? |
Probes: |
Tell me more about that … |
Can you give me an example? |
I want to understand what you mean, can you tell me again? |
Why do you think that is? |
GHK indicates Growing Healthy Kids.
This question was added during the interview process in response to developing themes; all teachers addressed this topic.