NH4+ and MA+ currents in oocytes expressing glycoproteins. A: in oocytes expressing RhAG, exposure to NH3/NH4+ (5 mM) induced an inward current of −68.4 ± 9.5 nA (n = 6) that was significantly larger than in H2O-injected (control) oocytes (P < 0.05). Exposure to MA/MA+ (5 mM) caused an inward current of −41 ± 4.2 nA (n = 9) that was also significantly larger than in H2O-injected oocytes (P < 0.001). In H2O-injected oocytes, exposure to NH3/NH4+ caused an inward current of −44 ± 5.7 nA (n = 10), whereas exposure to MA/MA+ did not cause a significant current. *Statistical significance. B: in oocytes expressing Rhcg, exposure to NH3/NH4+ (5 mM) induced an inward current of −25.9 ± 3.8 nA (n = 23) that was not significantly different −22.9 ± 3.4 nA (n = 22) in H2O-injected (control) oocytes. Exposure to MA/MA+ (5 mM) did not cause a significant inward current in oocytes expressing Rhcg (−0.3 ± 0.3 nA, n = 23) or H2O-injected oocytes (+0.2 ± 0.2 nA, n = 22).