Rooted phylogeny of the Maccullochella genus based on 13 protein-coding mitochondrial gene sequences, estimated using Bayesian inference in MrBayes. All nodes were well supported (PP=1.0). BEAST 95% HPD estimates for time to most recent common ancestor (in million years) for nodes indicated by black circles are given. Ratios of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions (ω values) inferred from the branch partitioning scheme chosen through GA-branch model selection are indicated in italics below each branch and in parentheses following species labels for species branches and tips. Very short branches within-species clades have been collapsed for better presentation; triangle height corresponds to number of sequences and triangle width corresponds to diversity within clade. Species codes are: Murray cod (MC, N=4), trout cod (TC, N=6), Mary River cod (MAR, N=2) and eastern freshwater cod (EC, N=2). The outgroup is the nightfish Bostockia porosa.