Fig. 4.
BgGRN induces the proliferation and development of adherent hemocytes to the point that susceptible M-line B. glabrata are able to defend against S. mansoni infection. (A) Effects of rBgGRN, knockdown of BgGRN, and anti-BgGRN polyclonal antibody on the number of adherent hemocytes. Snails were injected with 100 nM rBgGRN (induction) or rBgGRN preincubated with anti-BgGRN antibody (abrogation treatment), and, 48 h later, hemocytes were isolated and used for adherent hemocyte counts. Knockdown snails received siRNA oligos against BgGRN or GFP (control) 48 h before the treatments. Important comparisons of significance are highlighted and indicated by asterisks. (B) Injection of rBgGRN into M-line B. glabrata 4 d before challenge with S. mansoni significantly impacted S. mansoni infection success. Complementary knockdown of BgGRN in BS-90 B. glabrata also altered S. mansoni infection success rate, albeit not significantly.