Table 2:
Levels of accurate* knowledge of coronary heart disease risk factors† among a community sample of Omani adults (N = 114)
Questionnaire item | n (%) |
A person always knows when they have CHD | 39 (34.2) |
If you have a family history of CHD, you are at risk of developing heart disease | 68 (59.7) |
The older a person is, the greater their risk of developing CHD | 81 (71.1) |
Smoking is a risk factor for CHD | 112 (98.3) |
A person who stops smoking will lower their risk of developing CHD | 100 (87.7) |
High blood pressure is a risk factor for developing CHD | 100 (87.7) |
Keeping blood pressure under control will reduce a person’s risk for developing CHD | 101 (88.6) |
High cholesterol is a risk factor for developing CHD | 97 (85.1) |
If your ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL) is high, you are at risk for heart disease | 39 (34.2) |
If your ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) is high, you are at risk for heart disease | 59 (51.8) |
Eating fatty foods does not affect blood cholesterol levels | 86 (75.4) |
Being overweight increases a person’s risk of CHD | 100 (87.7) |
Regular physical activity will lower the risk of developing heart disease | 104 (91.2) |
Only exercising at a gym or in an exercise class lowers the risk of developing heart disease | 46 (40.4) |
Walking and gardening are considered exercise that will help lower the risk of developing heart disease | 94 (82.5) |
Diabetes is a risk factor for developing CHD | 72 (63.2) |
High blood sugar makes the heart work harder | 66 (57.9) |
A person who has diabetes can reduce their risk of developing CHD if they keep their blood sugar levels under control | 77 (67.5) |
Abdominal obesity is a risk factor for developing CHD | 61 (53.5) |
Stress may cause an increase in blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels | 72 (63.2) |
Slow deep breaths, counting to 10 before speaking and going for a walk are examples of stress inhibitors | 73 (64.0) |