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. 2016 May 15;16(2):e189–e196. doi: 10.18295/squmj.2016.16.02.009

Table 2:

Levels of accurate* knowledge of coronary heart disease risk factors among a community sample of Omani adults (N = 114)

Questionnaire item n (%)
A person always knows when they have CHD 39 (34.2)
If you have a family history of CHD, you are at risk of developing heart disease 68 (59.7)
The older a person is, the greater their risk of developing CHD 81 (71.1)
Smoking is a risk factor for CHD 112 (98.3)
A person who stops smoking will lower their risk of developing CHD 100 (87.7)
High blood pressure is a risk factor for developing CHD 100 (87.7)
Keeping blood pressure under control will reduce a person’s risk for developing CHD 101 (88.6)
High cholesterol is a risk factor for developing CHD 97 (85.1)
If your ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL) is high, you are at risk for heart disease 39 (34.2)
If your ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) is high, you are at risk for heart disease 59 (51.8)
Eating fatty foods does not affect blood cholesterol levels 86 (75.4)
Being overweight increases a person’s risk of CHD 100 (87.7)
Regular physical activity will lower the risk of developing heart disease 104 (91.2)
Only exercising at a gym or in an exercise class lowers the risk of developing heart disease 46 (40.4)
Walking and gardening are considered exercise that will help lower the risk of developing heart disease 94 (82.5)
Diabetes is a risk factor for developing CHD 72 (63.2)
High blood sugar makes the heart work harder 66 (57.9)
A person who has diabetes can reduce their risk of developing CHD if they keep their blood sugar levels under control 77 (67.5)
Abdominal obesity is a risk factor for developing CHD 61 (53.5)
Stress may cause an increase in blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels 72 (63.2)
Slow deep breaths, counting to 10 before speaking and going for a walk are examples of stress inhibitors 73 (64.0)

CHD = coronary heart disease; HDL = high-density lipoproteins; LDL = low-density lipoproteins.


Using correct responses only.

Knowledge was self-assessed by participants using the modified version of the Heart Disease Facts Questionnaire.22,23