(a, d)Htt103QP aggregate numbers (% Class 1,2&3 cells; see Figure 1) in mutants as indicated. W1542E encodes a ubiquitin-ligase-defect Ltn1 protein. HSF1-R206S encodes a hyper-active Hsf1. The hsf1-848 is a conditional ts mutant while HSF1ΔCAD lacks the c-terminal trans-activating domain. Scale=2 μm. Bar graphs show % of Class 1, 2 and 3 cells in each strain. Mean ± s.d. (b)Ubiquitination of mHtt103QP in strains from ‘a’. (c) Htt103QP stability in WT and ltn1Δ cells after a block in protein synthesis. Mean ± s.d. e-g. Fitness (see Materials and methods) of strains carrying pYES2-mHtt103QP-GFP compared to pYES2-GFP. Results from Galactose (mHtt induced) and Glucose (mHtt repressed) are shown. Ratios were calculated from the mean of three repeats (error bars are 95% confidence intervals) for WT, RQC, and rnq1∆ mutants (e) HSF1-R206S (f) and hsf1-848 (g).