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. 2016 Mar 21;188(8):E148–E157. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.150771

Table 1:

Baseline characteristics of patients with diabetic retinopathy prescribed ARBs and ACE inhibitors, before and after matching by propensity scores

Characteristic Before matching; no. (%) of patients* After matching; no. (%) of patients*

ARB cohort n = 15 173 ACE inhibitor cohort n = 11 246 Standardized difference, % ARB cohort n = 9769 ACE inhibitor cohort n = 9769 Standardized difference, %
Age, yr, mean ± SD 59.7 ± 11.1 58.6 ± 11.2 0.091 58.9 ± 11.1 59.0 ± 11.2 −0.005

Sex, male 7 276 (48.0) 6 044 (53.7) −0.116 5 112 (52.3) 5 075 (52.0) 0.008

Year of index date

2000 117 (0.8) 288 (2.6) −0.140 117 (1.2) 111 (1.1) 0.006

2001 210 (1.4) 524 (4.7) −0.192 210 (2.1) 197 (2.0) 0.009

2002 500 (3.3) 803 (7.1) −0.174 488 (5.0) 490 (5.0) −0.001

2003 779 (5.1) 955 (8.5) −0.134 731 (7.5) 735 (7.5) −0.002

2004 1 160 (7.6) 1 159 (10.3) −0.093 996 (10.2) 973 (10.0) 0.008

2005 1 365 (9.0) 1 258 (11.2) −0.073 1 122 (11.5) 1 132 (11.6) −0.003

2006 1 478 (9.7) 1 235 (11.0) −0.041 1 158 (11.9) 1 156 (11.8) 0.001

2007 1 704 (11.2) 1 158 (10.3) 0.030 1 131 (11.6) 1 126 (11.5) 0.002

2008 2 074 (13.7) 1 260 (11.2) 0.075 1 272 (13.0) 1 245 (12.7) 0.008

2009 2 474 (16.3) 1 264 (11.2) 0.147 1 238 (12.7) 1 262 (12.9) −0.007

2010 3 312 (21.8) 1 342 (11.9) 0.266 1 306 (13.4) 1 342 (13.7) −0.011

Monthly income, NT$

Dependent 4 785 (31.5) 3 386 (30.1) 0.031 2 965 (30.4) 2 980 (30.5) −0.003

< 19 100 2 897 (19.1) 2 255 (20.1) −0.024 1 946 (19.9) 1 916 (19.6) 0.008

19 100–41 999 6 360 (41.9) 4 855 (43.2) −0.025 4 173 (42.7) 4 201 (43.0) −0.006

≥ 42 000 1 131 (7.5) 750 (6.7) 0.031 685 (7.0) 672 (6.9) 0.005


Level 1 (most urban) 5 833 (38.4) 4 547 (40.4) −0.041 3 909 (40.0) 3 906 (40.0) 0.001

Level 2 8 530 (56.2) 6 156 (54.7) 0.030 5 367 (54.9) 5 379 (55.1) −0.002

Level 3 699 (4.6) 458 (4.1) 0.026 419 (4.3) 408 (4.2) 0.006

Level 4 (least urban) 111 (0.7) 85 (0.8) −0.003 74 (0.8) 76 (0.8) −0.002

Outpatient visits in the past year

< 6 82 (0.5) 63 (0.6) −0.003 53 (0.5) 52 (0.5) 0.001

6–10 819 (5.4) 642 (5.7) −0.014 544 (5.6) 569 (5.8) −0.011

11–15 1 944 (12.8) 1 404 (12.5) 0.010 1 262 (12.9) 1 259 (12.9) 0.001

> 15 12 328 (81.2) 9 137 (81.2) 0.000 7 910 (81.0) 7 889 (80.8) 0.005

Charlson Comorbidity Index score§

2 4 105 (27.1) 3 666 (32.6) −0.121 2 999 (30.7) 3 030 (31.0) −0.007

3 2 977 (19.6) 2 445 (21.7) −0.052 2 066 (21.1) 2 049 (21.0) 0.004

4 2 663 (17.6) 1 920 (17.1) 0.013 1 711 (17.5) 1 714 (17.5) −0.001

≥ 5 5 428 (35.8) 3 215 (28.6) 0.154 2 993 (30.6) 2 976 (30.5) 0.004

Adapted DCSI score, mean ± SD 3.0 ± 1.9 2.8 ± 1.8 0.135 2.8 ± 1.8 2.8 ± 1.8 0.001

Antidiabetic drug use

Acarbose 1 576 (10.4) 855 (7.6) 0.097 855 (8.8) 821 (8.4) 0.012

Sulfonylurea 7 736 (51.0) 5 819 (51.7) −0.015 4 993 (51.1) 5 058 (51.8) −0.013

Insulin 907 (6.0) 595 (5.3) 0.030 528 (5.4) 527 (5.4) 0.000

Metformin 9 395 (61.9) 6 958 (61.9) 0.001 6 072 (62.2) 6 071 (62.1) 0.000

Thiazolidinedione 2 304 (15.2) 1 038 (9.2) 0.183 999 (10.2) 1 022 (10.5) −0.008

Glinide 1 092 (7.2) 567 (5.0) 0.090 575 (5.9) 547 (5.6) 0.012

DPP-4 inhibitor 529 (3.5) 103 (0.9) 0.176 127 (1.3) 103 (1.1) 0.023

Antihypertensive drug use

α-Blocker 565 (3.7) 372 (3.3) 0.023 335 (3.4) 326 (3.3) 0.005

β-Blocker 2 693 (17.7) 1 874 (16.7) 0.029 1 683 (17.2) 1 625 (16.6) 0.016

Calcium-channel blocker 6 321 (41.7) 3 833 (34.1) 0.157 3 576 (36.6) 3 488 (35.7) 0.019

Diuretic 2 715 (17.9) 2 032 (18.1) −0.005 1 762 (18.0) 1 761 (18.0) 0.000

Other 178 (1.2) 213 (1.9) −0.059 140 (1.4) 150 (1.5) −0.008

Other medication use

ASA 3 101 (20.4) 2 031 (18.1) 0.060 1 850 (18.9) 1 814 (18.6) 0.009

Clopidogrel 164 (1.1) 52 (0.5) 0.071 51 (0.5) 52 (0.5) −0.001

Ticlopidine 71 (0.5) 30 (0.3) 0.033 30 (0.3) 29 (0.3) 0.002

Warfarin 78 (0.5) 40 (0.4) 0.024 38 (0.4) 37 (0.4) 0.002

Dipyridamole 760 (5.0) 598 (5.3) −0.014 477 (4.9) 488 (5.0) −0.005

Nitrate 739 (4.9) 479 (4.3) 0.029 423 (4.3) 408 (4.2) 0.008

Statin 4 161 (27.4) 2 349 (20.9) 0.153 2 226 (22.8) 2 217 (22.7) 0.002

Proton pump inhibitor 315 (2.1) 173 (1.5) 0.040 158 (1.6) 159 (1.6) −0.001

NSAID 2 251 (14.8) 1 928 (17.1) −0.063 1 580 (16.2) 1 581 (16.2) −0.000


Hypertension 14 299 (94.2) 10 271 (91.3) 0.113 9 037 (92.5) 9 030 (92.4) 0.003

Coronary artery disease 5 559 (36.6) 3 532 (31.4) 0.111 3 223 (33.0) 3 204 (32.8) 0.004

Heart failure 1 726 (11.4) 991 (8.8) 0.085 904 (9.3) 903 (9.2) 0.000

Peripheral vascular disease 809 (5.3) 587 (5.2) 0.005 520 (5.3) 512 (5.2) 0.004

Peptic ulcer disease 6 211 (40.9) 4 071 (36.2) 0.097 3 709 (38.0) 3 717 (38.0) −0.002

Liver disease 5 266 (34.7) 3 625 (32.2) 0.052 3 275 (33.5) 3 262 (33.4) 0.003

Chronic kidney disease 2 957 (19.5) 1 756 (15.6) 0.102 1 589 (16.3) 1 600 (16.4) −0.003

Atrial fibrillation 354 (2.3) 176 (1.6) 0.056 176 (1.8) 170 (1.7) 0.005

Dyslipidemia 10 432 (68.8) 7 073 (62.9) 0.124 6 343 (64.9) 6 388 (65.4) −0.010

Valvular heart disease 1 155 (7.6) 635 (5.6) 0.079 601 (6.2) 598 (6.1) 0.001

Cancer 1 400 (9.2) 832 (7.4) 0.066 788 (8.1) 773 (7.9) 0.006

Autoimmune disease 593 (3.9) 346 (3.1) 0.045 306 (3.1) 328 (3.4) −0.013

Physical limitation 727 (4.8) 496 (4.4) 0.018 443 (4.5) 451 (4.6) −0.004

Propensity score, mean ± SD 0.61 ± 0.13 0.53 ± 0.14 0.590 0.56 ± 0.12 0.56 ± 0.12 0.002

ACE inhibitor or ARB use before diabetic retinopathy diagnosis

ACE inhibitor use 549 (3.6) 6 168 (54.8) 319 (3.3) 4 781 (48.9)

ARB use 9 927 (65.4) 200 (1.8) 5 023 (51.4) 163 (1.7)

Note: ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme, ARB = angiotensin II receptor blocker, ASA = acetylsalicylic acid, DCSI = Diabetes Complications Severity Index, DPP = dipeptidyl peptidase, NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, NT$ = new Taiwan dollars.


Unless stated otherwise.

Imbalance defined as absolute value greater than 0.024 for unmatched cohorts and greater than 0.028 for matched cohorts.

Urbanization levels in Taiwan are divided into 4 strata according to Taiwan National Health Research Institute publications. Level 1 designates the most urbanized areas, and level 4 designates the least urbanized areas.


Charlson Comorbidity Index score is used to determine overall systemic health. With each increased level of the score, there are stepwise increases in the cumulative mortality.

Adapted Diabetes Complications Severity Index is a 13-point scale derived from 7 complication categories (retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, peripheral vascular disease and metabolic). Each complication produces a numeric score ranging from 0 to 2 (0 = no abnormality, 1 = some abnormality, 2 = severe abnormality).