Figure 3.
Germination in microscale devices can be tracked by measuring cell area and aspect ratio. (A) 2D histograms of cell size and aspect ratio for a population of spores in PBS and a population of log-phase yeast in SD. Plots contain cell measurements from three independent wells. Colors are normalized on each plot such that yellow represents the area and aspect ratio combination with the most cells observed and dark blue represents area and aspect ratio combinations that were not observed. Note that cells in the lower left quadrant are defined as spores, those in the upper right quadrant as yeast, and all remaining are classified as intermediates. (B) Stacked bar plots of normalized cell population composition based on the number of cells in each category defined in (A). * indicates p-value <0.05 compared with PBS, and error bars represent standard deviation. (C) Germination dynamics of spores visualized by 2D histograms of cell area and aspect ratio as well as a stacked bar plot of the population composition over time.