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. 2016 May 17;10:217. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00217

Table 3.

Cognitive function scores before and after training period in both groups.

Learning therapy group Wait list control group
Pre Post Pre Post
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD p-value
Executive functions
  LFT (number) 8.56 (2.53) 9.38 (2.64) 9.59 (3.35) 10.28 (2.82) 0.17
  CFT (number) 11.06 (2.84) 11.72 (2.77) 11.41 (2.08) 11.44 (3.26) 0.58
  rST (number) 27.44 (6.87) 31.31 (5.87) 28.63 (6.47) 29.84 (6.66) 0.48
  ST (number) 41.41 (9.00) 44.63 (8.29) 40.78 (9.15) 42.38 (8.73) 0.78
  D-CAT (number) 26.31 (5.87) 28.41 (4.98) 26.84 (5.48) 26.25 (5.47) 0.71
Episodic memory
  LM (score) 7.31 (2.22) 11.91 (2.80) 8.09 (2.84) 10.56 (2.94) 0.23
  FSN (score) 2.97 (1.60) 3.34 (1.89) 3.66 (1.79) 4.00 (2.06) 0.11
Short-term memory
  DS-F (score) 5.13 (0.87) 4.97 (1.18) 5.56 (1.37) 5.34 (1.33) 0.16
Working memory
  DS-B (score) 4.09 (0.86) 3.97 (0.82) 4.38 (1.29) 4.13 (1.13) 0.31
Processing speed
  Cd (number) 64.56 (13.15) 69.56 (13.21) 66.84 (11.48) 67.97 (11.37) 0.61
  SS (number) 33.00 (6.15) 36.47 (5.51) 32.81 (6.17) 34.63 (6.41) 0.90
Verbal ability
  JART (score) 19.97 (3.47) 20.34 (3.30) 19.25 (4.30) 19.50 (4.15) 0.46

Group comparison (two sample t-tests) of the pre-training scores revealed no significant difference in any measure of cognitive functions between the learning therapy group and the waiting list control group (p > 0.10). Pre, pre-training; post, post-training; SD, standard deviation. Executive functions were measured using the Stroop Test (ST) and Verbal fluency task (VFT). Attention was measured using the Digit Cancellation Task (D-CAT). Episodic Memory was measured using Logical Memory (LM) and First and Second Names (FSN). Short-term memory was measured using Digit Span Forward (DS-F). Working memory was measured using Digit span Backward (DS-B). Processing speed was measured using Digit Symbol Coding (Cd) and Symbol Search (SS). Reading ability was measured using the Japanese Reading Test (JART).