Figure 4. Bacterial blight tolerance analysis in OsAPX8 transgenic plants.
(a) OsAPX8OX plants showed a stronger tolerance to the pathogen in the early stage (<7 days) and were as susceptible as TP309 and OsAPX8i plants later (7–14 days). Photograph of rice leaves showing lesion development taken one or two weeks after inoculation with PXO99. (b) Growth of PXO99 in the leaves of OsAPX8 transgenic plants and control lines. (c) The H2O2 contents in the OsAPX8 transgenic plants and control lines (TP309 and TP13i) were analyzed after inoculating with PXO99. The values are the means ± S.D. for at least three independent experiments. Different letters (a–c) indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) between lines. The scale bar is 1.2 cm.