Figure 1. Ube2w inactivation rescues ΔRNF4 replication stress hypersensitivity.
(a) Whole cells extracts of Chicken DT40 wild type cells and cells deficient for Rnf4 (ΔRNF4), Ube2w (ΔUBE2W) and Rnf4 and Ube2w (ΔRNF4, ΔUBE2W) were analysed by western blotting using the indicated antibodies. 3 ng of recombinantly expressed rat Rnf4 and Human Ube2w isoform1 protein were used as a control. Molecular weight markers (kDa) are indicated on the right. (b) Wild type cells and cells deficient for ΔRNF4; ΔUBE2W and ΔRNF4, ΔUBE2W were subjected to replication stress by HU. The concentration of HU is indicated on the X-axis (μM). Effect on each cell line is indicated by the percentage of colony formation on the Y-axis (logarithmic scale). Error bars represent two standard deviations from the mean (2SD).