Figure 2. Presynaptic bombardment contributes to the modulation of neuronal firing irregularity.
(A) The CVISI value is plotted as a function of the input rate fin for the PAB model. The postsynaptic neuron achieves the best firing regularity at fin = 6.3 Hz. (B) Typical membrane potential (MP) traces and corresponding synaptic current (SC) traces at different input rates. Here the red color in MP traces denotes the occurrence of burst firing. The black lines in SC traces represent the total synaptic currents from presynaptic neurons, and the gray lines in SC traces are zero-current levels. Four input rates considered in (B) are: fin = 1.5 Hz, fin = 6 Hz, fin = 12 Hz and fin = 30 Hz. (C) ISI distribution curves correspond to the above four input rates. Each ISI distribution curve is computed using 105 firing events. (D) Dependence of the CVISI value on three key presynaptic-related parameters, which are the excitatory synaptic strength (D1), the population size of presynaptic neurons (D2) and the proportion of excitatory neurons (D3). Two input rates considered in (D) are: fin = 3 Hz and fin = 6 Hz.