Figure 6. Characteristics of gametically programmed DMRs.
(a) PGC DMRs are unrelated to neuronal gametically programmed DMRs, which are defined as overlapping DMRs in F2 and F2-G neurons. (b) Methylation changes at neuronal gametically programmed sites are predominantly hypomethylation. (c) Neuronal gametically programmed DMRs have no promoter, but significant enhancer, activity (analysis of variance: F5,57=170.82, P<10−4; LSD post hoc ***P<0.005 for KIF19, SRCIN1 and MGMT). (d) Distribution of methylation levels at individual CpG sites, differentially methylated in F2 PGCs, in PGCs, hippocampal granule cells and inner cell mass (ICM).