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. 2016 May 17;11(5):e0155760. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0155760

Table 2. Common quantitative trait loci (QTL) detected between the joint inclusive composite interval mapping (JICIM) in nested association mapping of 10 RIL populations, and inclusive composite interval mapping (ICIM) methods in individual populations for stem rust adult plant resistance in four environments.

Chra Pos (cM)b Populationc Env Left Marker Right Marker LODd R2 (%)e Addf
1A 33 Joint SA12 1A_53256976 1A_214244842 10.26 3.05
35 Kulungu Ken13 1A_64961094 1A_101708352 4.12 1.84 -0.15
36 Fahari SA12 1A_184159449 1A_50973716 15.36 38.71 0.22
36 Joint StP12 1A_168260073 1A_50914673 5.86 4.22
37 Romany SA12 1A_39856840 1A_235277072 3.22 2.20 0.09
1D 20 Gem StP12 1D_96967944 1D_11687876 4.01 1.26 0.15
23 Joint Ken13 1D_95968008 1D_62309262 5.01 8.16
2A 16 Joint StP12 2A_13651965 2A_195408664 4.49 8.78
17 Romany SA12 2A_11044893 2A_152187592 3.06 1.31 -0.04
17 Joint Ken13 2A_118236938 2A_152187592 6.68 10.63
20 Romany SA12 2A_85264302 2A_96999682 13.96 6.54 -0.16
144 Joint StP12 2A_254280385 2A_226128547 5.31 2.40
145 Ada StP12 2A_254280385 2A_226128547 3.52 7.86 0.05
2B 53 Joint SA12 2B_295548243 2B_4526688 18.27 1.52
55 Romany SA12 2B_14347146 2B_326925659 3.57 2.21 0.07
60 Ada StP13 2B_328392028 2B_344339504 3.00 3.15 -0.14
60 Joint StP13 2B_309579404 2B_313124463 6.62 6.73
60 Joint StP12 2B_309579404 2B_313124463 4.68 6.91
3B 108 Pasa StP13 3B_647995685 3B_584832142 9.82 10.93 -0.05
108 Joint StP12 3B_673326253 3B_82601403 4.90 3.16
108 Joint StP13 3B_673326253 3B_82601403 6.89 5.00
109 Pasa StP12 3B_647995685 3B_584832142 7.12 9.91 -0.05
121 Gem StP13 3B_496875398 3B_554937272 5.70 19.89 -0.07
121 Joint SA12 3B_538190692 3B_554937272 13.40 4.43
121 Joint StP12 3B_538190692 3B_554937272 5.75 6.24
124 Kudu StP12 3B_591992271 3B_909961 3.65 17.15 -0.12
124 Kudu StP13 3B_591992271 3B_909961 4.21 29.22 -0.09
124 Kudu Ken13 3B_591992271 3B_909961 3.10 10.93 -0.12
4B 51 Romany StP13 4B_299160842 4B_210047150 3.57 1.06 0.14
51 Joint StP13 4B_282191767 4B_203809435 5.89 8.27
4D 21 Kulungu Ken13 4D_50470445 4D_59436083 3.51 1.93 -0.16
21 Joint StP12 4D_61244682 4D_58434790 4.62 7.73
5B 51 Joint StP13 5B_258358007 5B_233185212 7.69 8.42
53 Gem StP12 5B_257695597 5B_155513783 4.94 1.28 -0.14
5D 47 Joint Ken13 5D_145713577 5D_101495576 6.28 13.20
48 Kulungu Ken13 5D_27462012 5D_91682679 3.33 1.88 -0.16
6A 21 Pasa SA12 6A_41412787 6A_49007339 11.68 6.71 -0.02
21 Joint StP13 6A_12874936 6A_16883183 4.87 4.33
7A 3 Gem StP12 7A_92272971 7A_134846357 3.94 1.05 -0.15
3 Joint StP13 7A_5990339 7A_2150377 5.96 3.15

a Chromosome location of the QTL.

b Position (centiMorgan) of the detected QTL peak in Chromosome ‘Chr’. Positions are sorted in ascending order.

c Result of JICIM is shown in bold; result of ICIM is shown in italics.

d Logarithm of odds scores for the QTL detected at position ‘Pos’, based on joint mapping.

e Percentage of phenotypic variation explained by the observed QTL, based on joint mapping.

f Additive effect for JICIM is not shown as JICIM reports additive effect for each parent individually; see S1 File for more information.