Fig. 3.
Deletion of Os-NADP-ME2-3 increases susceptible phenotype. (A) Genotyping of ΔOs-nadp-me2-3 mutant. The black arrows indicate the primer sets used for mutant confirmation and homo/hetero selection. RB, right border; LB, Left border. Primer pairs (RB + RP) and (S4 + RP) used for transgene analysis and homo/hetero selection respectively. (B) Rice seedlings of 2-week-old plants (HY, NB, and ΔOs-nadp-me2-3 mutant) were spray inoculated with the incompatible race INA168. The spore concentration was adjusted to 4 × 105 spores/ml. Leaves were photographed at 4 dpi. ΔOs-NADP-ME2-3 mutants showed susceptible phenotypes against M. oryzae INA168. NB, Nipponbare; HY, Hwayeongbyeo; S, susceptible; R, resistant. (C) Quantification of infected cells in HY, NB, and ΔOs-nadp-me2-3 mutants after inoculation with M. oryzae INA168 at 48 and 72 hpi. The error bars represent the standard deviation of five independent replicates. IH, Invasive hyphae; HR, Hyper sensitive response. (D) Live-cell imaging of M. oryzae infection of rice sheath epidermal cells. Successful colonization of GFP-tagged M. oryzae INA168 was observed in NB and ΔOs-nadp-me2-3 mutants, whereas all of the invasive hyphae lost their viability in HY. Scale bars, 10 μm.