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. 2016 May 18;7:193. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2016.00193

Table 1.

Diseases in which Tcon cells resist Treg-mediated suppression.

Disease Subject Type of effector cell Suggested mechanism Study
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) Human Synovial fluid CD4+ CD25 Enhanced activation Haufe et al. (23)
Synovial fluid CD4+ and CD8+ Teffa Akt hyperactivation in response to IL-6/TNFα Wehrens et al. (24, 25)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) Human Peripheral blood CD4+CD25 Increased TRAIL expression on Teff leading to Treg apoptosis Xiao et al. (26)
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) NOD mice Splenic CD4+CD25 ND You et al. (15)
DO11.10 RIP-mOVA mice Lymph node CD4+CD25 Increased IL-21 Clough et al. (18)
NOD mice Splenic CD4+CD25 ND D’Alise et al. (20)
NOD mice Splenic CD4+ and CD8+ Teff Reduced ganglioside M1 expression on Teff Wu et al. (21)
Human Peripheral blood CD4+CD25 ND Schneider et al. (27)
Peripheral blood CD4+CD25 ND Lawson et al. (28)
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) MRL/lpr and NZB/WF1 mice Splenic and lymph node CD4+CD25 ND Monk et al. (14)
MRL/lpr mice Lymph node CD4+CD25 ND Parietti et al. (19)
Human Peripheral blood CD4+CD25 ND Venigalla et al. (29)
Peripheral blood CD4+CD25 ND Vargas-Rojas et al. (30)
Peripheral blood CD4+CD45RAFoxP3 Akt hyperactivation, upregulation of OX40 and impaired TRAF6 in Teff Kshirsagar et al. (116)
Experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE) FoxP3.gfp KI mice CNS CD4+GFP High IL-6 and TNFα Korn et al. (16)
C57BL/6 mice CNS CD4+CD25 ND O’Connor et al. (17)
B6.SLE mice Splenic CD4+CD25 ND Wilhelm et al. (22)
Multiple sclerosis (MS) Human Peripheral blood CD3+ Teffb Accelerated production of IL-6 and higher expression of IL-6R on Teff leads to Akt hyperactivation Trinschek et al. (31)
Peripheral blood CD4+CD25 Increased IL-6 induction of pSTAT3 Schneider et al. (32)
Peripheral blood CD4+CD25 Increased Granzyme B production by Teff w/TCR activation/IL-6 stimulation, inactivating Tregs Bhela et al. (33)
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Human Lamina propria CD4+CD25 Higher expression of Smad7 interfering with TGF-β signaling Fantini et al. (35)
Lamina propria CD4+CD25 Increased IL-15 in lamina propria Hmida et al. (34)

ND, not determined; CNS, central nervous system.

aTeff – total synovial fluid or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (as indicated) isolated as CD4+ or CD8+.

bTeff – contains both CD4+ and CD8+ Teff cells, isolated as CD3+.