Figure 4. Micro-computed tomography results 28-days post implantation.
Images in the top panel represent full 3-D rendering of the samples in the three groups (biphasic material, biphasic material + rhBMP-2 (10 μg) and biphasic material + rhBMP-2 (10 μg) + ZA (10 μg)) while images in the middle panel show sliced 2-D images in the middle of the samples in order to emphasize on the internal content of the samples across different groups. The bottom panel shows the mineralized volume in each group. **Indicates p < 0.01, #indicates non-significant. Data is expressed as mean ± SD. n = 5 for biphasic material + rhBMP-2 and rhBMP-2 + ZA groups and n = 6 for biphasic material alone. Scale bar represents 1 mm.