Fig. 7.
Association between seasonal core immune genes and wider organismal signatures of growth, metabolism and stress. a ARACNe network (Network 4) including seasonal core immune genes, timeless, and seasonal genes from curated sets representing growth, metabolism, and aspects of stress (oxidative stress, stress responses, temperature responses); specifying all genes as hubs; nodes sized according to their betweenness-centrality. Network shown in an unmodified force-directed layout. b Bar chart showing, for the most highly connected core immune genes in Network 4, the distribution of edges with genes representing wider organismal signatures (stars indicate winter-summer interface “key” genes in Network 1). Colour bar outside vertical axis indicates winter- or summer expression bias. c Scatterplot showing, for core immune genes in Network 4, numbers of edges to other immune genes vs numbers of edges to non-immune genes (Pearson r = 0.65, P = 1.6 × 10−4); point sizes are proportional to the number of winter-summer edges for the gene in Network 1 (key genes from Network 1 were significantly more likely to show > 7 non-immune edges in Network 4, compared to other core immune genes, P = 0.006)