Figure 1.
Serum BAs and markers of BA synthesis after overnight fast and during the hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. A, Schematic of BA synthesis and modification. B and C, Correlation of clamp-derived insulin sensitivity (M/I) with 7-HCO and 7,12-diHCO at baseline. D, Ratio of 7,12-diHCO to 7-HCO. E, Correlation of M/I with the ratio of 7,12-diHCO to 7-HCO at baseline. F, Total serum BAs during the clamp. G, Percentage change in total BAs during the clamp. H and I, Serum 7-HCO and 7,12-HCO during the clamp. J and K, Percentage change in unconjugated and conjugated BAs during the clamp. *, P < .05, **, P < .01, ***, P < .001 between obese and nonobese by Mann-Whitney test. CA, cholic acid; CDCA, chenodeoxycholic acid; G-CA, glycocholic acid,; G-CDCA, glycochenodeoxycholic acid.