Figure 3.
The detection of de novo synthesized RA in ovary using RARE reporter mice. A, Localization of LacZ-positive cells in the ovary of RARE reporter mice treated with eCG or without eCG (control). B, Activity of LacZ enzyme driven by RARE promoter in ovary (left panel) or granulosa cells (right panel) of RARE reporter mice treated with or without eCG. Values were absorbance in 595 nm after the protein samples were incubated with the substrate, CPRG, for 2 hours at 37°C. #, The RARE-LacZ activity is presented as fold induction. The control value in ovary (left panel) or granulosa cells (right panel) is set as 1. Values are mean ± SEM of three replicates. eCG treatment significantly increased the RARE-LacZ enzyme activity in ovaries (P < .01) or granulosa cells (P < .05) of mice as compared with those in mice without eCG treatment (control), respectively.