Figure 2.
Effects of electroacupuncture at Baihui (DU20) acupoint on NeuroD mRNA expression in the brains of newborn rats exposed to in utero fetal distress.
(A) Agarose gel electrophoresis: single bands of products amplified by β-actin primers on the left and products amplified by NeuroD primers on the right are visible at 200 bp. Background is clear. (B, C) PCR amplification curves and melting curves. Left: amplification curves of β-actin; right: amplification curves of NeuroD. (D) NeuroD mRNA expression after electroacupuncture: NeuroD mRNA expression gradually increased after electroacupuncture, peaks on Day 22, and decreased on Day 35 to levels similar to Day 16. NeuroD mRNA expression was greater in the 20-minute fetal distress + Baihui group than in other groups on Days 16, 22 and 35. *P < 0.01, vs. blank control group; #P < 0.01, vs. 20-minute fetal distress group; &P < 0.05, &&P < 0.01, vs. 20-minute fetal distress + Baihui group (mean ± SD, n = 6, one-way analysis of variance and the least significant difference t-test). Day 16, 22, and 35 refers to 7, 13, and 26 days after electroacupuncture, respectively.