Figure 3.
Effect of different types of Y-tube conduits injected with hWJMSCs on electrophysiological function of rats with a femoral nerve defect.
(A, B) The latency (A) and amplitude (B) of the evoked potential of quadriceps femoris. Group A: Sham surgery was performed, and no injury was brought to the femoral nerve and its branches. Group B: The nerve defect was bridged using a Y-tube conduit with a 4-mm-long nerve trunk and 3-mm-long branches by inserting each nerve stump 1 mm into the conduit. A total of 5 μL passage 3 hWJMSCs was injected into the conduit. Group C: The nerve defect was bridged using a Y-tube conduit with a 3-mm-long nerve trunk and 4-mm-long branches by inserting each nerve stump 1 mm into the conduit. A total of 5 μL hWJMSCs was injected into the conduit. Data are expressed as the mean ± SD and were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance followed by the least significant difference tests. *P < 0.05. hWJMSCs: Human umbilical Wharton jelly mesenchymal stem cells. I–III: Groups A–C.