Fig 2. Effect of forest management intensity on abundance and species richness.
Forest management intensity (according to Kahl and Bauhus [30]) effects on abundance (square-root transformed, A, B) and species richness (C,D) of macroinvertebrate communities in artificial tree holes in the Alb (A,C) and Hainich (B,D) region. Data are from June (closed symbols and solid lines) or from September (open symbols and dashed line in B) or pooled across sampling times because there was no significant interaction of forest management intensity and time (large grey symbols and grey line in D, Table 1). In the Alb, the two different opening types (top vs. side) were pooled because effects of forest management on abundance and richness did not differ between the two types (Table 1). Please note that experimental set-up and the volume of artificial tree holes varied between the two regions, so they cannot be compared directly. Symbols represent means per plot, error bars show ±SE. For results of statistical analyses see Table 1.