Table 1. Characteristics of the sample.
Mean±SD | |
Age (years) | 64.42±3.93 |
Educational level | 2.71±1.10 |
SES | 5.51±1.27 |
BMI (kg/m2) | 27.17±3.41 |
Physical activity | 1.79±0.74 |
PSS | 16.17±6.41 |
Walking speed test (sec.) | 8.00±1.07 |
Sleep hours (hh:mm) | 06:41±00:54 |
Wake-up time (hh:mm) | 07:07±00:51 |
StressDayBefore | 1.99±0.80 |
StressSameDay | 2.17±0.87 |
Sleep quality | 3.49±0.79 |
CAR | 239.34±151.81 |
Cortisol Awakening (nmol/L) | 7.11±2.99 |
Cortisol 30min (nmol/L) | 15.12±6.51 |
Cortisol 45min (nmol/L) | 14.98±6.60 |
SES: Subjective socioeconomic status; BMI: Body Mass Index; PSS: Perceived Stress Scale; CAR (calculated as the AUCi using cortisol levels on awakening, +30min and +45min): Cortisol awakening response. Educational level (range: 0 = no studies, 1 = primary school, 2 = secondary education, 3 = university and higher education, 4 = postgraduate). Physical activity (range: 0 = none; 1 = low; 2 = moderate; 3 = high). StressDayBefore: stressfulness of the day preceding saliva sample collection (1 = Not at all, to 5 = Extremely). StressSameDay: expected stressfulness of the same day of saliva sample collection (1 = Not at all, to 5 = Extremely). Sleep Quality: sleep quality of the night preceding the saliva sample collection (1 = Quite poor, to 5 = Quite good).