Fig 6. Workflow for creating multiscale spatio-temporal model checking methodology instances.
The workflow comprises two levels, the upper generic (meta) level, and the lower specific (instance) level. The upper level comprises the multiscale spatio-temporal meta model checking methodology. Conversely the lower level consists of the specific collections of spatial entity types and measures employed to create multiscale spatio-temporal model checking methodology instances. For each considered pair (e.g. m) of spatial entity types and spatial measures collections a corresponding multiscale model checking methodology instance is created. The resulting methodology instances (e.g. m) can then be employed for various case studies (e.g. n) to decide if computational models (e.g. m,n) are correct relative to corresponding formal specifications (e.g. m,n) or not. Rounded rectangles and arrows having the same border/line colour correspond to the same collections of spatial entity types and spatial measures.