Fig 7. Ppk32 carboxy-terminus is important for protein function.
All strains are leucine autotrophs. (A). Sequence alignment of the carboxy terminus of Ppk32 and other SCYL family kinases. (B) Early exponential cells were grown in rich medium (YES). Samples from non-stress cultures were taken for Western blot analysis of Ppk32 level. Ponceau S staining was used as a loading control, * indicates a background band. (C) Growth assay. Exponentially YES-grown cells of indicated strains were spotted in 10-fold serial dilution onto the indicated media. (D) Schematic (1) suggesting that both TORC1 and TORC2 regulate Ppk32 levels. Schematic (2) suggesting that Ppk32 phosphorylation and its carboxy terminus are essential to control TORC1 following BFA induced stress.