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. 2016 May 18;11(5):e0152978. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152978

Table 3. Results from the hierarchical regression analysis where individual, work-related, and psychiatric variables were regressed upon the workaholism score (N = 16,426).

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Variables (Individual demographics) (Work demographics) (Psychiatric symptoms)
B SEB β t p B SEB β t P B SEB β t p
Individual demographics
Age -0.043 .004 -.088 -11.014 .000 -0.074 .004 -.153 -17.800 .000 -0.040 .004 -.082 -10.091 .000
Gender (male = 1, female = 2) 0.029 .090 .003 0.319 .749 0.874 .096 .076 9.065 .000 0.892 .090 .078 9.947 .000
In a relationship (yes = 1, no = 2) 0.271 .096 .022 2.820 .005 0.524 .094 .043 5.569 .000 .463 .086 .038 5.403 .000
Primary schoola -0.048 .209 -.002 -0.228 .820 0.380 .208 .015 1.824 .068 -0.193 .189 -.007 -1.022 .307
High schoola -0.283 .119 -.021 -2.385 .017 0.013 .120 .001 0.111 .911 -0.171 .109 -.013 -1.577 .115
Vocational schoola -0.444 .124 -.031 -3.589 .000 -0.218 .122 -.015 -1.780 .075 -0.325 .111 -.023 -2.929 .003
University Master/PhDa 0.697 .120 .050 5.809 .000 0.406 .120 .029 3.378 .001 0.357 .109 .026 3.272 .001
Work demographics
Work status (full-time = 1, else = 0) -0.007 .117 -.001 -0.062 .950 0.134 .106 .010 1.259 .208
Top-level manager positionb 3.128 .175 .155 17.875 .000 3.179 .159 .158 20.050 .000
Mid-level manager positionb 2.158 .123 .146 17.571 .000 2.265 .111 .153 20.353 .000
Other managerial tasksb 1.183 .107 .089 11.033 .000 1.222 .097 .092 12.589 .000
Public sectorc -0.323 .092 -.029 -3.501 .000 -0.125 .084 -.011 -1.494 .135
Franchise/self-employmentc 1.017 .218 .037 4.666 .000 0.791 .197 .029 4.012 .000
Annual gross income 0.222 .027 .089 8.088 .000 0.282 .025 .113 11.319 .000
Psychiatric symptoms
ADHD 0.116 .005 .196 22.745 .000
OCD-Washing 0.116 .027 .035 4.307 .000
OCD-Obsessing -0.019 .022 -.008 -0.880 .379
OCD-Hoarding 0.152 .018 .065 8.454 .000
OCD-Ordering 0.123 .020 .052 6.257 .000
OCD-Checking 0.030 .021 .012 1.450 .147
OCD-Neutralizing 0.145 .030 .041 4.901 .000
Anxiety 0.243 .015 .165 16.527 .000
Depression 0.106 .016 .058 6.810 .000
Model summary
Variance explained by model R2 = .012 (1.2%) R2 = .066 (6.6%) R2 = .237 (23.7%)
Change in variance by next step ΔR2 = .054 (5.4%) ΔR2 = .170 (17.0%)
Statistical significance of model F (7, 16418) = 29.618, p = .000 F (14, 16411) = 83.448, p = .000 F (23, 16402) = 221.250, p = .000
Statistical significance of steps ΔF (7, 16411) = 135.578, p = .000 ΔF (9, 16402) = 406.727, p = .000

B, unstandardized regression coefficient; SEB, unstandardized standard error; β, standardized regression coefficient; t, t-test value; p, probability value

R2, squared multiple correlation coefficient; ΔR2, change in R2 between steps; F, F value with corresponding degrees of freedom; ΔF, change in F between steps.

aBachelor’s degree comprises the reference category.

bNon-managerial position comprises the reference category.

cPrivate sector comprises the reference category.