Figure 5. Conformational and hydration changes at HS1.
(a) An illustration defining dHS1. (b) A heat map displaying the dependence of the N-domain motion, represented by the first PC, on dHS1. The shown map is for the data of subunit A, and that for the merged data of all subunits is shown in Supplementary Fig. S9a. (c) A heat map displaying the relation between dHS1 and QHS1 of subunit A. The map for the merged data of all subunits is shown in Supplementary Fig. S9b. (d) Solvent density maps (green fishnets) in the open, half-open, and closed conformations of HS1 contoured at 1.5 times the averaged bulk solvent density. Regions used to monitor QHS1 are coloured in pink. The frequencies (e) and rate constants (f) between the conformational and hydration states at HS1 (red coloured characters). The unit for rates is ps−1. Blue coloured characters are the population of each state.