Figure 2.
Mean levels of F2-isoprostanes (a) and carotenoids (b) in non-depressed (CES-D<16) and in depressed subjects (CES-D⩾16) adjusted for sociodemographics only (model 1) and adjusted for both sociodemographics and health and lifestyle factors (model 3), CARDIA exam year 15. In a, mean levels of F2-isoprostanes in pg ml−1. In b, mean levels of the sum of five carotenoids, standardized as t-scores and summed. Model 1: center, age, sex, race, education. Model 3: center, age, sex, race, education, supplement use, somatic disease, diet, alcohol consumption, smoking, BMI, physical activity. F2-isoprostanes and carotenoids were log-transformed for analysis. Reported levels are back-transformed values. CES-D cutoff score ⩾16, increased depressive symptoms. BMI, body mass index; CARDIA, Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults; CES-D, Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale.