Deletion of adenosine monophosphate–activated protein kinase (AMPK) precipitates hypoventilation and apnea. (A) Records of ventilatory activity obtained using whole-body plethysmography from AMPK-α1/AMPK-α2 double-floxed (AMPK Double FX; n = 31) and AMPK-α1/AMPK-α2 double-knockout (AMPK Double KO; n = 22) mice during (I) normoxia (21% O2), (II) hypoxia (8% O2), and (III) hypoxia with hypercapnia (8% O2 + 5% CO2). (BI and BII) Typical ventilatory records on an expanded time scale during hypoxia (8% O2). (CI and CII) Computational video analysis of thoracic movement (upper panels) with corresponding ventilatory traces (lower panels). (D) Mean ± SEM for (I) apneic index (per minute), (II) apnea duration (in seconds), and (III) apnea duration index (ADI) (frequency × duration) (AMPK Double FX, n = 31; AMPK Double KO, n = 22). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001.