Table 1. Data sources of gene-disease associations.
Source | Version/Accessed | Type | #Associations | #Map MeSH | % Map MeSH |
CTD [50] | Jul_02_2015/Aug’15 | Curated | 24,346 | 23,813 | 97.8 |
OMIM® [37] | 18-08-2015/Aug’15 | Curated | 5,143⋆ | 3,375 | 65.6 |
Orphanet [40] | 2015_07_31/Jul’15 | Curated | 6,094 | 1,744 | 28.6 |
UniProtKB [39] | 2015_08 | Curated | 4,679 | 3,203 | 68.5 |
GWAS Catologue [43]◇ | 24_08_2015/Aug’15 | Experimental | 13,326 | 5,112 | 38.4 |
BeFree [8] | 24-Aug-2015/Aug’15 | Literature | 330,888 | 233,264 | 70.5 |
GoF/LoF⊲ | -/Oct’15 | Literature | 4,793 | 3,459 | 72.2 |
SemRep [41]∘ | 25/Feb’15 | Literature | 96,024 | 72,908 | 75.9 |
MGD [9, 11]* | 24_08_2015/Aug’15 | Predicted | 1,943 | 1,577 | 81.2 |
RGD [10]* | 21_08_2015/Aug’15 | Predicted | 7,667 | 7,667 | 100 |
Datasources used for G-D associations. ‘Curated’ refers to manually curated associations, ‘Experimental’ refers to associations drawn directly from genetic experimental observations, ‘Literature’ refers to associations automatically mined from literature and ‘Predicted’ refers to associations statistically inferred from animal models.
⋆ Not including 1,397 associations for which the molecule basis is unknown.
◇Threshold of 1e-7 was used.
⊲See S1 Article.
∘Extracted associations between gene and disease that were of the following predicates: AFFECTS; ASSOCIATED_WITH; AUGMENTS; CAUSES; PREDISPOSES; COEXISTS_WITH and NEG_ASSOCIATED_WITH as described in [8].
*Used the same parameters used by DisGeNET to extract predicted associations.