Figure 1.
Heterogeneity of GSCs is mirrored by the diversity of EV protein composition.
A. Workflow depicting isolation of GSCs from primary tumors for GSC culture and proteomic analysis of EVs (left). Representative micrographs of GSCs (middle) and GSC EVs (right).
B. The GSC EV proteome profile distinguishes P (green) from M (red) GSC subtypes. Proteins sets that vary coherently between subtypes were identified by clustering.
C. The GSC EV proteome profile separates P and M glioblastoma subtypes. Genes coding for proteins sets that vary coherently between GSC subtypes (classical – C, blue; mesenchymal – M, red; proneural – P, green; neural – N, magenta) from 89- proteins signature were retrieved from TCGA GBM dataset and identified by clustering: power of prediction of top 6 genes is shown.
D. The GSC EV proteome content partially mimic cellular expression. Selected protein sets were validated by Western blotting using indicated antibodies, * indicate specific band on FASN blot.