Extended Data Figure 8. Additional data sets of BE3-mediated correction of two disease-relevant mutations in mammalian cells.
For each site, the sequence of the protospacer is indicated to the right of the name of the mutation, with the PAM highlighted in blue and the base responsible for the mutation indicated in red bold with a subscripted number corresponding to its position within the protospacer. The amino acid sequence above each disease-associated allele is shown, together with the corrected amino acid sequence following base editing in green. Underneath each sequence are the percentages of total sequencing reads with the corresponding base. Cells were nucleofected with plasmids encoding BE3 and an appropriate sgRNA. Two days after nucleofection, genomic DNA was extracted from the nucleofected cells and analyzed by HTS to assess pathogenic mutation correction. a, The Alzheimer's disease-associated APOE4 allele is converted to APOE3r in mouse astrocytes by BE3 in 58.3% of total reads only when treated with the correct sgRNA. Two nearby Cs are also converted to Ts, but with no change to the predicted sequence of the resulting protein. Identical treatment of these cells with wt Cas9 and donor ssDNA results in 0.2% correction, with 26.7% indel formation. b, The cancer-associated p53 Y163C mutation is corrected by BE3 in 3.3% of nucleofected human breast cancer cells only when treated with the correct sgRNA. Identical treatment of these cells with wt Cas9 and donor ssDNA results in no detectable mutation correction with 8.0% indel formation.