Figure 4. Development of a TCR overlap model that demonstates how to track the evolution of tumor-infiltrating TCRs after DC vaccination in glioblastoma patients.
The quantity and diversity of TCR transcripts are determined from glioblastoma tumor samples and peripheral blood. The TCR overlap was defined as the percentage of unique TCR beta chain sequences identified in each tumor that were also identified in the peripheral blood (before treatment, after treatment, and at relapse). We formulated a model depicted in the Venn diagrams. (Top) Patients who have a high TCR overlap with the blood from the initial tumor and relapsed tumor are predicted to have long survival outcomes. (Middle) Patients whose initial tumor sample have low TCR overlap with the blood, but develop a high TCR overlap in the relapsed tumor after DC vaccination, are predicted to have intermediate survival. (Bottom) Patients who have a low TCR overlap with both the initial and relapsed tumor and blood are predicted to have short survival outcomes.