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. 2016 May 13;6(5):e010276. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010276

Table 6.

Overall summary of associations with long-term and stronger opioid prescribing (+=adjusted OR of 1–2; ++=OR of 2–3; +++=OR over 3; italics=OR <1)

Associations with long-term opioid prescribing Associations with prescribing of stronger opioids Associations with stepping up from weaker to stronger opioids Associations with stepping down from stronger to weaker opioids
Age and gender Female 50–64+
Female over 65++
Male (any age)+
Female 50–64+
Female over 65+
Male 18–49+
Male over 65−
Male over 65− Male 18–49−
Ethnicity (fitted as random effect) Pakistani, other and unknown ethnicity− Pakistani and other ethnicity− Pakistani, other and unknown ethnicity− Pakistani and other ethnicity+
Morbidity and health behaviour Mental health problem+ Mental health problem+
Definitive diagnosis+ Definitive diagnosis+ Definitive diagnosis+
Clinical presentation without definitive diagnosis− Clinical presentation without definitive diagnosis+
Overweight or obese− Underweight+++
Increasing polypharmacy+++ Increasing polypharmacy+++ Increasing polypharmacy+++ Polypharmacy−
Consulting behaviour 7–12 consultations per annum−
13 or over consultations per annum+
13 or over consultations per annum+ 7–12 consultations per annum+
13 or over consultations per annum+++
Increasing missed appointments+ Increasing missed appointments+
Referrals Diagnostic−
Specialist pain management+++
Specialist pain management+++
Specialist pain management+++
Specialist pain management−
Practice IMD Higher IMD+

IMD, Index of Multiple Deprivation; MSK, musculoskeletal