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. 2016 Apr;13(117):20160129. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2016.0129

Table 2.

Parameters for mycorrhizal primary and secondary infection, and growth of external hyphae.

symbol parameter name units value source
P probability of primary infection for dispersed inoculum cm−1 d−1 0.15 assumption
minAge minimal infection age of a root segment d 0 assumption
maxAge maximal infection age of a root segment d 32 [42]
vi rate of internal infection front cm d−1 0.13 [36,43]
maxInfection percentage of maximal infection 1 assumption
v tip elongation rate cm d−1 0.13 [25]
ah hyphal radius µm 50 [43]
b branching rate d−1 0.5 [25]
hlt hyphal lifetime d 10 [25]
θh branching angle ° 60 [44,45]
distTT threshold for tip–tip anastomosis cm 0.00 assumption (the value zero deactivates anastomosis)
distTH threshold for tip–hyphae anastomosis cm 0.00 assumption (the value zero deactivates anastomosis)
de distance between entry pointsa cm 0.1 [36,43]
dt time step for alteration between root growth and infection model d 1 choice based on root elongation rate

aUsed for spatial discretization of roots, i.e. dx = de.