(A) Somatic membrane potentials of the IN model following injection of depolarizing and hyperpolarizing (positive and negative values, respectively, of first of two numbers in parenthesis) step currents lasting 900 ms. Results illustrate the overall tonic-firing response to depolarizing input currents. For the case with a strong hyperpolarizing current (−150 pA), a rebound spike is observed at offset (top trace). In the case where the offset of the strong hyperpolarizing step current (−150 pA) is combined with a constant but weak depolarizing current (+20 pA), a rebound burst is observed instead (bottom trace). (B) Similar to the IN cell, the RC cell generates spikes in a tonic pattern when the soma receives depolarizing currents. However, compared to the IN, the RC cells respond with more spikes for similar-amplitude depolarizing soma currents (and also more rebound spikes after offset of hyperpolarizing currents).