A) Cartoon depiction of an mRNA expressing a fusion between full length, wild-type bglF and mMaple3. The green hashed region represents a putative SRP signal, i.e. the first transmembrane domains in bglF. (
B) Left panel: Stacked phase contrast (gray) and STORM cross-section images (color) of example
E. coli cells stained with FISH probes to mMaple3. Right panel: Average long-axis cross section images derived from hundreds of cells. (
C) Density profile for the cross section in (
B). Density profile is as defined in
Figure 1E. (
D–F) As in (
A–C) but for bglF construct in which the start codon has been replaced by a stop codon (TAA). (
G–I) As in (
A–C) but for a bglF construct in which the codon at position 202 has been replaced with a stop codon (TAA). The resulting construct expresses only the portion of bglF upstream of the putative SRP signal sequence. This blgF derivative is identical to a previously published derivative that was reported to be membrane enriched (
Nevo-Dinur et al., 2011). All constructs were expressed from the AttB site on the chromosome. Scale bars: 2 µm.