Figure 1. Conditioning and combined bone marrow/organ transplantation.
Pre-transplantation of pig islets or kidney (day 0), all baboons were splenectomized (Splx), and went through extracorporeal immunoadsorption (EIA). In addition, they underwent whole body irradiation (WBI, 2 × 150 Gy) and thymic irrdiation (700 cGy) and were treated with cyclophosphamide (CP), thymoglobulin (ATG), cobra venom factor (CVF), mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) and cyclosporin A (CyA). The monkeys were infused thrice with pig peripheral blood progenitor cells (PBPCs), starting at the time of kidney or islet transplantation. Finally, two days after transplantation, the monkeys were treated with porcine IL-3, anti-CD154 mAbs and porcine stem cell factor (pSCF). All treatments were ceased 28 days after kidney/islet transplantation.