Figure 6. Posttransplant DSA, correlation with kidney function and memory B cells in sensitized NHP with T cell depleting induction - DEPL-group (for gating strategy see Supplemental figure 3).
(A) DSA level at transplant, early (n=3)versus intermediate (n=3) rejectors: early rejectors were found to have higher DSA at transplant than intermediate rejectors in B cell flow crossmatch (BFXM), no significant difference in T cell flow crossmatch (TFXM). B) DSA course over posttransplant period, curve ends at sacrifice; early rejectors in red: DSA rebound was common within days after transplantation, early rejectors failed at the first peak. C) Correlation of BFXM with creatinine and BUN readings (linear model; BFXM vs. serum creatinine and BUN respectively: parallel lines fitted for each subject): increase/decrease in DSA measured by BFXM were well correlated with increases/decreases in serum creatinine and BUN. D) Changes in proportions of naïve (CD20+CD27−IgD+) and memory (CD20+CD27+IgD−) B cell subtypes and Ki67 marker expression in these subtypes posttransplant (one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s test; * significance in Dunnett’s test). Memory B cells increased at the cost of naïve B cells posttransplant, a maximum in proliferation by Ki67-expression was found at time point week 4/5. N, number of monkeys available for analysis; DSA, Donor specific antibody; NHP, nonhuman primates; BUN, blood urea nitrogen.